Toyota NZ Make Changes to Body Repair Manual Spot Welding Specifications
Toyota New Zealand Limited have released a Technical Service Bulletin regarding their decision to allow Squeeze Type Resistant Spot Welds (STRSW) to be used in place of Gas Metal Arc / Metal Inert Gas-Welding (GMAW / MIG).
New Weld Test Information and Tips on How to Pass the Test
Take a look at these video’s to give you a better understanding of the new I-CAR Automotive Steel MIG Welding Qualification.
Walter Demonstrating Good Welding Techniques
What Can Go Wrong and Destruction Testing
How a MIG Welder Works
I-CAR NZ now Working with NZ Motor Companies Developing Model-Specific Training
These courses will cover types of steels, types of welding, sectioning options, products used, and any new repair processes
RTI01 (Researching Technical Information)
Suzuki Collision Repair Course
Hyundai Collision Repair Course
Nissan Collision Repair Course
Mitsubishi Collision Repair Course
Toyota Collision Repair Course